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Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Nagara Panchami Festival

Nagara Panchami

Tithi: Shravan Shukla Panchami.

History: The Astika sage enlightened King Janamejaya, the sarpayagnya.King Janamejaya was impressed.  When the king of Janamejaya said to ask the boon, he asked the boon to stop the sarpayagnya.When the king of Janamejaya said to ask the boon, he asked the boon to stop the sarpayagnya.The day that Janameja stopped the sarpayagnya was Panchami.

Nagarapanchami - a useful time to discern the realities.
Panchanpranas are Panchanagas.  The atmosphere is stable during Nagarabhumi day.This period is very worthy and very useful for discerning the essence. On this day I pray to Seshanaga and next to Lord Vishnu - May the graces of Shiva loka on this day by His grace be more and more observerved by me.May all the obstacles facing my spiritual progress be destroyed.
May the power of the Goddess be stored in my five storeys and be used for the protection and protection of the nation. Nagadeva is the Kundalini of the entire universe.

The importance of fasting in NagaraPanchami.
There was at least a goddess named Satyeshwari 5 eras ago.  Satyeswara was her brother.Satyeswara died on the eve of Nagarapanchmi.Satyeswari did not receive food in mourning of her brother's death.So that day the women fast in the name of their brother.The reason behind this fasting is that the brother will have a long life, many weapons will be available and he will be free from every misery and agony.On the eve of Nagarabhumi, every sister cries out to God to benefit her brother and he will be saved.

The ritual behind the worship of the Naga Deva:
Satyeshwari saw her brother in nagaroopa.  She then thought of that nagaroopa as her brother.Nagadeva then promised her that I would protect the sister who worshiped me as a brother.
That is why every woman worships Naga and celebrates Nagarapanchmi.

Greatness Of Naga Deva.
Sheshnag lives in the underworld.  He wears Prithvi on his head.He has a millennial hoodie.  There is a diamond on each head.When Srivishnu took on the incarnation of Rama,Sesha had taken the incarnation of Lakshmana.when Srivishnu took Krishna ibcarnation shesha had taken the incarnation of Balarama.

Sri Krishna attacked the Kalia Naga in the depths of the Yamuna River.  That day was the Shravan Shukla Panchami.

The nine types of Nagas are worshiped they are Ananta, Vasuki, Sesha, Padmanabha, Kambala, Shankhapala, Dhritarashtra, Takshaka and Kalia.

On the day of Nagarapanchami, the images of Navanagas are laid on the mane with turmeric or chandrama and worshiped and offered as milk.

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